In the beginning SA
BC created ONE and gave it multiple presenters. And the SHOW was without form, and void; and boredom was at the face of each viewer. And the we
eping of the viewers moved upon the ears of the producers. And a voice said, “Let there be light” and there was ANDILE!
No, you’re not reading Genesis, Chapter 1; just Chapter 1 of my interview with Andile Ncube. Yes, the same one who has as much grandmas in his admirers list, as he does young chicks. The mama’s want him as their son in law, the chickitas want him as their baby daddy and the brothas want him as their adviser. They want to know how he does it. “How does he exude so much respect and yet look so sexy?” “How does he manage to keep the fun loving youth of Mzansi sitting down for a full hour on a Friday NITE?” How does he do it? They wanted to know and my mission was to find out. This is only Part 1 of what will most probably be, your first real look into The Man That Is Andile Ncube: I know that the day I went to meet Andile was one of my luckiest days because so many wonderful things happened to me throughout that day and the first thing that I saw when I got to Urban Brew to see him, con
firmed that the day was gonna end exactly as it started. Knowing Mzansi celebs (Khanyi & Kelly excluded), I had been stressing about the possibility that he may not want to talk openly about his “affair” with “Kenneth Mashaba’s wife” and that was one of the things I wanted him to talk about SO.....the sight of the petite beauty dropping him off in a snazzy black Beemer as I drove in, was definitely one of the highlights of my evening. I was like “Ya! Ndanibhaqa!” (Gotcha!) Ag shame, I should not have stressed. He is anything but secretive about his love for the talented actress.

No, you’re not reading Genesis, Chapter 1; just Chapter 1 of my interview with Andile Ncube. Yes, the same one who has as much grandmas in his admirers list, as he does young chicks. The mama’s want him as their son in law, the chickitas want him as their baby daddy and the brothas want him as their adviser. They want to know how he does it. “How does he exude so much respect and yet look so sexy?” “How does he manage to keep the fun loving youth of Mzansi sitting down for a full hour on a Friday NITE?” How does he do it? They wanted to know and my mission was to find out. This is only Part 1 of what will most probably be, your first real look into The Man That Is Andile Ncube: I know that the day I went to meet Andile was one of my luckiest days because so many wonderful things happened to me throughout that day and the first thing that I saw when I got to Urban Brew to see him, con

1 comment:
Can't believe you copied an entire interview on and passed it on as won't get very far....
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